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Green Tea: Is There A Perfect Time To Drink This Healthy Beverage?

by Shopify API 25 Aug 2023
Green Tea: Is There A Perfect Time To Drink This Healthy Beverage?

Green tea is the most popular beverage hyped a lot for its healing health benefits. It is made by mild steaming of the camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the oxidation process. The immense nutritional and antioxidant profile of green tea is highly prized, and it has been used since ancient times in Chinese medicine to heal wounds, treat migraine headache and many more.

The incredible health benefits of green tea and particularly its key function in helping to lose weight has made green tea as one of the most valued beverages among fitness enthusiasts.

Green tea is loaded with a good amount of catechins including epicatechins, epicatechin 3 gallate, epigallocatechin, and EGCG. These catechins exhibits potent anticancer and antioxidant properties, good probiotic, slow down aging and triggers the metabolism.

Wellness Incentives Of Drinking Green Tea

Heart Healthy:

Evidence strongly proves that green tea has shown to remarkably lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides and at the same time elevates the level of good cholesterol (HDL). Moreover, green tea is beneficial in controlling blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart diseases.

Lower the Risk Of Diabetes:

The goodness of polyphenol compounds in green helps to lower the blood glucose spike. Catechins and EGCG mimic the action of insulin and lowers hepatic glucose output and stabilizes the blood glucose level. 

Prevents Cancer:

The antioxidants and polyphenol compounds present in green tea kill the cancer cells, scavenges the free radical damage and averts the growth of cancer cells.


Promotes Weight Loss:

The wealth of flavonoids, caffeine and catechins in green tea is known to boost metabolism, burn the excess fat, increase the energy spent and assist in shedding extra kilos.

Boosts Brain Functions

A cup of green tea is all you need to keep you energised and productive during a hectic work schedule. The active ingredient caffeine though present in minimal amount works well as a stimulant by blocking inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine and boosts brain functions. Furthermore, it is also loaded with amino acid L-theanine which can work together with caffeine that improves mood, concentration and memory.

Burns Fat

 Vast reserves of antioxidants in green tea is beneficial in burning fat and srimulating metabolism. Several studies have revealed that drinking green tea on a regular basis increases fat oxidation and lowers the cholesterol level. Besides these, caffeine is also valuable in enhancing physical performance by using fat as a source of energy.

Combats Bad Breath

The rich myriad of catechins in green tea helps in improving dental health by suppressing the growth of bacteria and averts the risk of dental caries and infections. Moreover, the active compounds in green tea assist in fighting the microbes causing a bad mouth odor and improve oral hygiene.

What Is The Best Time To Consume Green Tea?

To reap the benefits of drinking green tea it is ideal to slurp green tea between the meals. This ensures that the catechins in green tea do not react with milk protein casein and other sources of animal protein which may lessen the potential of green tea.

Green tea may also hinder the absorption of calcium and iron from the plant sources. Studies have also shown that green tea may reduce the absorption of fat and protein, so it is best to consume green tea two hours before and after the meals.

It is not recommended to take green tea on an empty stomach in the morning as the caffeine and tannins stimulate the production of gastric acids which may lead to ulcers or upset stomach. 

Avoid green tea during the meals as it may inhibit the absorption of essential vitamin B1.

To lose weight drink green tea along with your meals, however, if you have a sensitive gut never do this, as the alkaline nature of green tea may stimulate the secretions of gastric juice and induce gastritis.

Furthermore, it is perfect to drink green tea one hour ahead of bed-time, which helps you to burn fat and at the same time will not disturb your sleep pattern.


Can green tea have an effect on iron levels?

Yes, like all varieties of tea, green tea contains tannins. Tannins are compounds that interfere with the absorption of iron. Hence, try not to have tea with iron-rich foods and leave at least a 1–2-hour time interval before drinking tea after having an iron-rich meal.

How much caffeine does green tea contain?

Green tea also contains some amount of caffeine; however, it may differ with brands and varieties. A cup of green tea contains less caffeine than coffee (one cup of green tea contains approximately 35-80 mg compared to 100-400 mg of caffeine in the same cup of coffee). Yes, it can still act as a stimulant and drinking green tea is known to boost energy levels, concentration, and mood in some people.

How to brew perfect green tea?

The temperature and steeping time all play a remarkable role in the antioxidant levels of brewed green tea. Warm and ambient temperatures are ideal to preserve antioxidants. Allow the boiling water to cool slightly before adding onto the leaves and steep for 2-3 minutes.


Green tea heaped with a wealth of antioxidants and other essential nutrients is the healthiest beverage to be included in your regular regimen. However, to derive the benefits of green tea consume it at the right time.

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