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The Best Herbal Teas for Sleep

by Shopify API 09 Aug 2023
The Best Herbal Teas for Sleep

Stress keeping you up at night? Finding it difficult to unwind and relax at the end of the day? A cup of tea might be just the thing. Tea is a great way to soothe both body and mind, ease stress, and help sleep come faster. It’s a healthier way to decompress than alcohol, and comes in enough different types and flavors to suit any palate. Whether you’re looking for a sweet and simple chamomile tea to calm your nerves, a floral lavender tea to lull you to sleep, or a tasty herbal tea to treat yourself with at the end of the day, there are a wealth of options to choose from.

Tea and sleep

A soothing cup of tea at the end of the day can be a great sleep aid that helps you to wind down and get ready for bed. A variety of different herbal ingredients, including lemon balm, lavender, and chamomile, have all been shown to be helpful in inducing calm and encouraging sleep. These teas can also help you get a more restful full night’s sleep so that you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. In addition to the many medicinal benefits of herbal teas, they can also help you relax and prepare for sleep on a psychological level. The ritual of preparing tea can help you to banish external stressors and focus on the simple, soothing activity of preparing a cup of tea. A warm and cozy cup of tea is a healthy way to treat yourself at the end of the day and prepare your body for sleep!

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has a mild sedative effect that is great for inducing sleep. Chamomile is also known for lowering stress, soothing anxiety, and reducing inflammation. After you fall asleep, chamomile can help to improve sleep quality so that you wake up rested and refreshed. Chamomile has also been shown to help sleep quality problems associated with depression and other mental health issues.

Whether you need a little help getting to sleep at night or just need to unwind at the end of a stressful day, a cup of chamomile tea might be just the thing. Chamomile can be enjoyed on its own or as an ingredient in soothing herbal blends. This herb has a mild natural sweetness, and brews up a light gold color. For an added treat, try a soothing cup of chamomile tea with a dollop of honey before drifting off to sleep!

Lavender tea

Lavender has also been shown to have therapeutic properties when it comes to easing stress and encouraging restful sleep. This herb has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to help soothe both body and mind. While studies concerning its effectiveness are still ongoing, lavender has been shown to help improve sleep quality. This floral herb can also help to ease anxiety and prevent anxiety-related disturbed sleep.

Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm, sometimes also known as melissa, is a member of the mint family with a mild citrusy flavor. This herb has been shown to help reduce anxiety, encourage relaxation, and promote restful sleep. Lemon balm can also help to treat symptoms of insomnia in people who experience anxiety. Lemon balm is often included in herbal blends, and pairs well with other citrusy and floral ingredients like lavender and orange blossoms.

Other herbal teas

While chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm all have soothing properties that make them excellent choices for bedtime, herbal teas in general are a great way to unwind before going to sleep. We carry a wide variety of herbal teas to choose from, based on your tasting profile preference. All our herbal teas are naturally caffeine-free, so they won’t keep you up at night. We’re firm believers in the idea that the best tea for you is one you enjoy drinking - so feel free to explore our collection and experiment with different herbal teas to find your favorite.

Rooibos teas

Rooibos teas are another great option if you’re looking for a soothing non-caffeinated tea before bed. Rooibos teas are a specific type of herbal tea native to South Africa. These teas are also sometimes called red teas or red bush teas. Rooibos has a full body similar to that of a black tea, but it’s naturally caffeine-free, making it a nice evening option. Rooibos is tasty on its own, but also comes in a variety of popular flavored blends, like Rooibos Chai, Vanilla Rooibos, and Peach Tranquility Rooibos. 

Tea mocktails and Fruity Bubble Teas

After a long day, many people turn to a glass of wine or cocktail to relax and unwind. But if you’re trying to limit your alcohol intake or even cut alcohol out of your diet entirely, you may be wondering what you can replace it with as an evening drink. Tea cocktails and fruity bubble teas are a great alternative to cocktails and other alcoholic drinks, and can be fancied up to make you feel like you’re indulging - even without the alcohol. Try brewing up an herbal iced tea and adding flavored, simple syrups, fruity popping pearls, sparkling water, fun garnishes, and other ingredients to make a tasty and unique mocktail to enjoy at the end of the day!

The ritual of tea

Aside from the many medicinal properties of good tea, we think there’s just something special about the ritual of brewing up a cup. Preparing tea is an opportunity to slow down, tune out the noise, and focus your attention on the simple acts of heating water, measuring tea leaves, and enjoying tea. You can up your tea routine by investing in aesthetically pleasing teaware and accessories. But no matter how you brew your tea, it can be a little oasis of calm and familiarity in the midst of a chaotic world. Happy sipping!

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