
Green Tea: Is There A Perfect Time To Drink This Healthy Beverage?

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Green tea is the most popular beverage hyped a lot for its healing health benefits. It is made by mild steaming of the camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the oxidation process. The immense nutritional and antioxidant profile of green tea is highly prized, and it has been used since ancient...
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L-Theanine: a 4000 Year Old Mind-Hack

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Monks have been drinking tea for thousands of years to maintain a state of “mindful alertness” during long periods of meditation. But only in the last few years have studies shed light on why tea has this effect on the mind. The two elements responsible for this are caffeine and L-theanine, and it is...
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L-Theanine in Tea: What You Need to Know

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If you’re a tea drinker, you’re probably familiar with the soothing feeling that accompanies a good cup of tea - and now this calming, stress-reducing effect is backed by science! Research shows that tea made from the camellia sinensis plant contains l-theanine, a beneficial compound that helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation and wellbeing. L-theanine is...
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Matcha vs. Green Tea: What's the Difference?

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Ever wondered what the difference is between matcha and green tea? While closely related, matcha and green tea are different beverages, with different preparation methods and histories stretching back hundreds of years. In essence, green tea is a loose leaf tea that is prepared by infusing the leaves, while matcha is a powdered green...
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Natural Immune Boosters: Calming, Aromatic Herbal Teas

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Once in while we all feel under the weather, dealing with a persistent cough or breathing difficulty accompanied by nagging headaches or migraines. This condition can be alleviated by consuming  tea beverages rich in vitamin C that bolster immunity. An effective remedy in such instances is sipping on a piping hot cup of herbal tea, or...
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